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Hi all!

So, I reached 10k followers on my IG account, crazy huh!? And because of that I arranged a giveaway together with MyProtein! What you can win:

- Instant oats

- 250gr impact whey protein

- flavor drops

- Cacaonibs

- Peanutbutter (KG for th peanutbutter freaks like me)

- Coconpure (coconutoil)

- 1 on 1 training with Barbellstrength

That means almost everything to make my famous cakes and the chance to train with me (what also means cake & protein ice-cream after your workout of course!)

Only things you have to do is follow me on Instagram YolindaVixen (Duh!) & follow MyproteinNL on Instagram,subscribe to my website and tag two friends who might like to win as well below the following picture on my IG.

Next week I will randomly pic a winner, so GO!

Pictures by @Barbellstrength

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