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Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.

Recipe idea's


Don't know how to reach your goal and done with all the boring restricting diëts?

Send me an e-mail for more information about a personalised mealplan.

















*Every dish made by Yolinda*



Drinks & smoothies.

For everyone who loves fruit, like I do. Smoothies and quark/cottage cheese snacks, for those who get bored of plain quark.

Small dishes.

Light meals and luch ideas. I don't like to look at a plain and boring dish, all the recipes are easy and quick to make.


Main dishes, with carbs, but also low-carb dishes. Most of the time I use chicken or fish, but I will try some new stuff too. There is one tofu dish between them already for the veggies.

Sweet tooth.

Cause we all like to treat ourselves with a little sweet now and then. Some could really do as a breakfast or lunch on a relaxed Sunday.


For those who work-out a lot and like to prep their food like me, or if you just like to bring your own healthy meals to a long day at work/travel, some of my own meal-preppings.

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