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Ode to my peachgang on this #womanscrushwednesday. Every day with these girls is just amazing, tears from joy, stomachaches from laughter and motivated to the max, because these girls are not just pretty. Each one is a power woman. Such different jobs, but all smart, pure hearted and rocking it at Barbellstrength (ok, one isn't, but she just has to join us as well). Everyday I am so happy I accepted the invitation from Will, cause I feel like I really gained a second family & second home.

Of course I still have some low days and some days I can still be an emotional wrack, but because of these girls I laugh more than I cry and on the days I do they know how to turn my mood. I could not wish for a better squad and even though most of us just met like two months ago it feels like I've known them forever!

For those who don't get the peachgang, they all got some nice peachy butts! <3 So inspired by these girls I made a really nice peach cake, make sure to check out the recipe!

If you want to order the oats, or any of the other ingrediënts I use, use the link and use discount code VIXEN for 12% discount!

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