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Busy bee


I am still alive! I said I would write about my journey towards my next photoshoot, but like the caption says. I've been a busy bee working almost non-stop at my two jobs, my new study has begun and still trying to do as many workouts as possible. I think I could use some more hours in my week!

Even though I'm really busy, I am still making time to prep Mark's and my meals, study at work and doing my workouts. This week most of the time just one workout a day, but my meals are on point. Resulting in a good progress!

I am really thankful and happy that I can follow my study through my job and I even already found someone to help with her weightloss journey. I wanted to do a little extra, so I will be focussing more on people who are obese instead on just the people who want to get more 'fit', can't wait to learn new things and to keep you guys posted!

Back to my own progress, I already dropped 3,5%, still a lot to go, but I am more than happy with the results so far! My legs have grown the fastest over these years, so I am trying to focus more on building better glutes as well. Next week I will write about the supplements I take and how my prep looks like, still dropping bodyfat and still eating yummy food. It's all about tracking.

In love with the shirt I got from Myprotein, I think you could say girls like to squat! Get yours by using the link below and use discount code VIXEN for 12% discount from me.

Enjoy your weekend!

Ps. my birthday is this Sunday and I love new gym clothes ;) Joke!

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