Shoot me!
So Yesterday I recieved this picture from my photoshoot last December and planned a new shoot in 10 weeks from now. Extra motivation! I took a break from my diet the last two months, had to take a step back from the doctor and was really tired. Not the best combination for my shape.
But since I planned this new shoot and trust me, I think this one is going to be awesome! I will up my game and get back to my diet. I am going to work on my shape and will share my meals, supplements and workouts with those who are interested.
This photoshoot will be with the amazing Ricardo Poggi as photographer and my lovely college Patricia.
So stay tuned if you are interested in folowing our journey towards our shoot and subscribe to this website. If any of you use supplements I use products from Myprotein, I will keep you posted which ones I use. If you want to order them use the link and use discount code VIXEN for 12% discount!
Enjoy your weekend and let me now if there is anything you would like to know!